A Self Love Journey Through Hair and Skin
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Our goal is to become the number one resource for hair, skin, for women of color.

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Cocoa Butter & Hair Grease was birthed from Dr. Donna’s dissertation on how hair texture impacts sex(uality) in Black women in 2016, a workshop by the same name in 2017, and years of therapy with Black women who NEEDED a safe space to speak about how they have been judged or made to feel less than because of the texture of their hair and the darkness or lightness of their skin. Dr. Joy Harden Bradford and Dr. Ajita Robinson are also super big supporters of the book and helped make it a reality, through their meddling :P


basics about Dr. Donna Oriowo

The Author

Dr. Donna Oriowo is a first gen, first born Nigerian American, book reading, and now book writing DIVA! 

  1. I am located in the Washington D.C. Metro area.

  2. I have a thing for donuts.

  3. I’m getting married to my super supportive number talking finance in September of 2020.

  4. I once shook the hand of James Earl Jones, and called him “The Bell Atlantic Guy”—I know, I just aged myself :)

  5. I am a certified sex therapist and a licensed clinical social worker.

  6. I have a private practice called AnnodRight.

  7. I speak for part of my living, and yes, I do travel to places to do it.

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Don’t have your copy yet? Whoa! Yikes. Well, now is the time.

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